Arrange for a PCA member to nominate you and another PCA member to second your nomination. *
Send a photograph and a brief biography (of under 100 words) which describes your qualifications for one of the positions. *
* Send this information by December 9 to Darlene Haywood
Email: [email protected]
If you want more information please contact any of the Nominations and Elections Committee members:
Lori Zucchiatti O'Neill -- 416 481 3668 -- >[email protected]
Darlene Haywood -- 416 466 3602 -- [email protected]
Kaye Leslie -- 28 Condor - 416 465 8477 – [email protected]
David Langille -- 647 280 7747 – [email protected]
Chair -- provides leadership within the Association; calls and chairs meetings; sets the agenda for meetings; authorizes financial transactions in concert with the Treasurer; casts a vote in the event of a tie, serves as chair of Annual and General Meetings.
Vice-Chair -- acts as Chair in the Chair’s absence; assists Chair as deemed suitable.
Secretary -- declares a quorum; takes minutes of Executive meetings, and Annual and Special General Meetings and posts them in the PCA website; announces official votes; receives and conducts official correspondence as needed.
Treasurer -- manages PCA finances; presents financial report at Executive meetings; receives all monies; issues and signs cheques; gives financial statement at AGM.
Fundraising Coordinator – organizes fundraising activities on behalf of the PCA.
Communications Coordinator – manages the PCA website, and coordinates with our Facebook, Twitter and Google group, the Pocket Post and other media.
Membership Coordinator -- maintains a confidential list of PCA members; maintains contact with membership through Street Captains; recruits new members; is responsible for the collection of annual fees.
Members-At-Large (2 positions) -- assist the Executive in the operation of the Association; may also chair PCA committees. (2 positions)
If you wish to run for the Executive, you must first be a member of the PCA. (Contact our Membership Coordinator, Paul Woodman, at [email protected] )
Then arrange for a PCA member to nominate you and another PCA member to second your nomination.
Prepare a photograph and a brief biography (of under 100 words) which describes your qualifications for one of the positions and send to one of the Nominations and Elections Committee members by December 9, 2015.