Final Call for PCA Executive Members

Elections for the PCA Executive will be held at the

Annual General Meeting on January 28, 2016 (see below for the list of positions) 

  1. If you want to run for election, you must first be a member of the PCA.  (If you are not yet a member, contact [email protected]).
  • Arrange for a PCA member to nominate you and another PCA member to second your nomination. *
  • Send a photograph and a brief biography (of under 100 words) which describes your qualifications for one of the positions. *
  • * Send this information by December 9 to Darlene Haywood

    Email: [email protected] If you want more information please contact any of the Nominations and Elections Committee members:

    Lori Zucchiatti O'Neill -- 416 481 3668 -- >[email protected]

    Darlene Haywood -- 416 466 3602 -- [email protected]

    Kaye Leslie -- 28 Condor - 416 465 8477 –  [email protected]

    David Langille -- 647 280 7747 –  [email protected]

    Chair -- provides leadership within the Association; calls and chairs meetings; sets the agenda for meetings; authorizes financial transactions in concert with the Treasurer; casts a vote in the event of a tie, serves as chair of Annual and General Meetings.

    Vice-Chair -- acts as Chair in the Chair’s absence; assists Chair as deemed suitable.

    Secretary -- declares a quorum; takes minutes of Executive meetings, and Annual and Special General Meetings and posts them in the PCA website; announces official votes; receives and conducts official correspondence as needed.

    Treasurer -- manages PCA finances; presents financial report at Executive meetings; receives all monies; issues and signs cheques; gives financial statement at AGM.

    Fundraising Coordinator – organizes fundraising activities on behalf of the PCA.

    Communications Coordinator – manages the PCA website, and coordinates with our Facebook, Twitter and Google group, the Pocket Post and other media.

    Membership Coordinator -- maintains a confidential list of PCA members; maintains contact with membership through Street Captains; recruits new members; is responsible for the collection of annual fees.

    Members-At-Large (2 positions) -- assist the Executive in the operation of the Association; may also chair PCA committees. (2 positions)

    If you wish to run for the Executive, you must first be a member of the PCA.  (Contact our Membership Coordinator, Paul Woodman, at [email protected] )

    Then arrange for a PCA member to nominate you and another PCA member to second your nomination.

    Prepare a photograph and a brief biography (of under 100 words) which describes your qualifications for one of the positions and send to one of the Nominations and Elections Committee members by December 9, 2015.

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