Communications Committee -- facilitates communication between the PCA and its members and amongst Pocket residents; maintains the website and the e-newsletter.
Energy Committee -- shares information and advice to PCA members about technologies and equipment that help save energy and reduce our carbon footprint in the Pocket.
Fundraising Committee -- responsible for finding sponsors and collecting donations that help the PCA realize its projects and goals
Safety Committee -- promotes the safety and wellbeing of all residents of the Pocket so as to create the safest living environment possible.
Events Committee -- ensures that there are plenty of fun and interesting events to go to year around: street parties, film nights and potlucks.
Phin Park and Greening Committee – with park clean ups, planting of trees and shrubs, helps create a liveable and beautiful environment for Pocket residents.
Youth Committee – you can help define what this committee does….
Street Captains – communicate with residents on each street on behalf of the PCA and voice their concerns to the PCA
Outreach and Membership Committee -- maintains a confidential list of PCA members; maintains contact with membership through email and Street Captains; recruits new members; is responsible for the collection of annual fees.
If you are interested or want more information, please contact one of our Nominations and Elections Committee by December 9th, 2015
Lori Zucchiatti O'Neill -- 416 481 3668 -- >[email protected]
Darlene Haywood -- 416 466 3602 -- >[email protected]
Kaye Leslie -- 28 Condor - 416 465 8477 – [email protected]