Election Preparation at AGM on 30 January 2014 Pocket Community Association (PCA)

As PCA Members will have noticed, the Nominations + Elections team, (Joan Hulbert, Kay Leslie and myself as Secretary), have sent out several notices in preparation for electing the new Executive Committee to serve PCA for 2014. Joan is not a member of the Executive Committee: therefore she brings a balanced and objective community perspective to the nomination and election process.

We asked for expressions of interest from paid-up PCA Members as to who would like to have their name on the slate of volunteers to be elected for each of the executive positions. Luckily there was one name advanced for each of the executive positions. Therefore there is no competition for any of the executive positions; therefore there will be no ballot voting at the AGM.

Accordingly, at the AGM, I will be asking PCA Members to agree that the full slate of prospective members of the Executive Committee should be voted in as a group by acclamation. Bios of these individuals can be found in the PCA website at http://www.thepocket.ca/ under News then PCA Blog.

The full slate is as follows:

Chair Susan McMurray
Vice Chair Jeff Otto
Secretary Don Smith
Treasurer Diane Smith
Membership Coordinator Paul Woodman
Fundraising Coordinator Natalie Séguin
Communications Coordinator Irene Vandertop
Member-At-Large Kaye Leslie
Member-At-Large Kim McFadden
Past Chair Trish O’Reilly-Brennan (Not an elected position)

  Finally I would like to thank each PCA Member who has already renewed their membership for 2014 and ask each PCA Member who has not yet done so, to ensure that their membership is renewed prior to the AGM. (PCA Membership renewal)  If that is not possible, please bring $10.00 in cash or cheque to the AGM for the renewal of each membership. The more members PCA has, the more influence we have in promoting benefits for the Pocket.

Many thanks for your participation. We are going to have a very useful AGM with reports from all Committee Leaders and a Cookie Bake-Off. Then Peter Tabuns, MPP, will speak on the topic of advising the Pocket on how to become a leader as a green community. Following his remarks, Peter will welcome questions and discussion.

Sincerely, Don Smith, PCA Secretary, 12 January 2014.

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