Pocket Community Association Statement About Danforth Shooting

On Sunday night, many residents of the Pocket community listened to the sounds of emergency vehicles racing past our neighbourhood. Through traditional and social media we heard the shocking news that police, firefighters and paramedics were headed to the scene of a mass shooting on the Danforth.

The Pocket Community Association extends our condolences to those who have suffered losses, our best wishes to those who will need time to heal, and our thanks to those who prevented more violence, helped others find safety or care, or are organizing to help the community and City deal with the consequences.

No matter where such an event happens, we are all appalled at the violence, loss of life, and injuries and trauma that occur. But when it’s close to home, the unsettled feelings are sharpened. Many can picture themselves, family members or their neighbours at various locations that were threatened on Sunday night and imagine that this, too, might have happened to them.

Yet, while the Pocket abuts the Danforth, we are some blocks removed from the core of the tragic activities of Sunday night. We are affected by what happened so close to home, but few directly. Ours is typically a peaceful and quiet neighbourhood and on Sunday night our streets remained peaceful and quiet, except for the sound of sirens on the periphery. We wish that peace and quiet for all neighbourhoods across this City and beyond.

Many notes and signs posted along Danforth since Sunday night ring with compassion and sincerity. One simple statement reads: “we must stick together and make this city a safer place.” We call on members of our community and all Torontonians to remain compassionate and unified, to strive for an end to gun violence, and to seek peace for all communities.


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