Pollinators and Planting
Sign up for a free Pollinators & Planting Event in Phin Park
Did you notice our spring messages about a special planting event in Phin Park? The time has come to share the details and sign up!
Thanks to the partnership between the Pocket Community Association (PCA) and Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), the PCA Phin Park & Greening Committee is hosting a free, all-ages, interactive activity in Phin Park on Sunday, June 25, 10 AM-1 PM. By registering at the link, here’s what you can enjoy:
Learnings about pollinators and their urban habitat
Pocket resident & Certified Pollinator Steward Sullivan Dyment will share valuable information from this certification program (maybe you’ll be inspired to sign up for this program!)
Garden cleanup
Work with TRCA staff to clean up two large garden areas in Phin Park—the Butterfly Garden in the SW corner, and the beds on the west side of the basketball court
After the spaces have been cleared of weeds, invasive plants, dead vegetation, etc., help TRCA staff to plant native drought-tolerant wildflowers and grasses
Cold drinks and light snacks
To help us reduce waste, please bring your own refillable container for beverages
This event is suitable for ages 6+. High school students will receive credit for volunteer hours from TRCA if they wish.
For safety, TRCA requires all participants to wear closed-toed footwear.
Space is limited to provide a great experience for all, so please register through the following link, and include all participating family members so that we have an accurate head count. The link provides additional important information: