Safety Committee - Pedestrian Update 2016

Hi Pocket People

The Pocket Community Association and its Safety Committee will be proposing to Councillor Paula Fletcher to move ahead with a number of initiatives to improve the walkability of our neighborhood and the safety of pedestrians, our kids and cyclists.

This follows several online discussions on the community’s 1000 member Facebook page over the last couple of years, including a couple of proposals put forward more formally by the Safety Committee of the PCA. Additionally you’ll recall during the summer of 2015, we conducted a formal survey of community members on more than twenty proposals. More than 110 community members filled out this extensive survey. Some of those proposals built on a Walkability Study conducted on our neighbourhood by the Advanced Planning Studio of the School of Urban and Regional Planning at Ryerson University.

Because there was strong support for them in the community survey responses, we believe that these initiatives can move ahead without further community consultation. We believe they will increase the walkability of our neighbourhood and make it safer for pedestrians, cyclists and children to use and travel our neighbourhood streets. The initiatives are:

  1. Installation of the City proposed Bike lane for Chatham Avenue for implementation in 2016
  2. Painting lines on both sides of the Jones bike lane to create a more effective, and better respected, bike lane
  3. Reducing the speed limit throughout the neighbourhood to 30km/hr
  4. Painting crossing lines (double lines or alternative) at various intersections which are often used by kids traveling to and from area schools[1], childcare and community centres and more generally by pedestrians
  5. Painting stop lines at all other intersections in the neighbourhood
  6. Adjusting placement of Stop signs and “No parking” signs near several intersections to create better sightlines
  7. Installing “No Access to Greenwood” signs on entry streets into neighbourhood off Jones at Boultbee, Shudell, Hunter, Baird and Ravina Crescent.
There were also several proposals which we believe require further study and assistance from city staff as well as consultation with you, as a community. These include improvements to the Boultbee and Jones intersection and the school dropoff zone at Blake St. Public School, and the use of curb extensions, planters or other measures to slow car speed on Condor and Hunter and improve crossing safety at Baird and Earl Grey. You’ll be hearing more about these and how to input into and support them in the coming months.

Thanks for working to make our neighborhood more walkable and safer!

The Safety Committee and the PCA

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