Safety Survey Results

The Safety Committee recognized concerns pertaining to illegal activities, traffic and general safety and put together the Pocket Safety Survey, which was circulated to homes back in February 2013. The results indicated to the Safety Committee that issues already of concern within the neighbourhood could be addressed by leveraging liaison relationships with 55 Division, Eastern Commerce School Administration and others.

The Survey yielded a Respondent pool, 93 Respondents (a combination of online and paper-based survey responses) of the 1000 delivered, and was well-rounded, with men and women being equally represented in a range of ages (young-adult to retiree), with most identifying that they are part of a family or group living in the Pocket. There was also a range of Respondents who are “new,” established or long-time Pocket dwellers, providing the Committee with Survey results from a variety of Pocket experiences.

Traffic calming issues, while a concern, were not so problematic that the majority of Respondents did not want a traffic calming project initiated, most notably with the use of physical calming measures (speed humps etc.).  Based on written feedback in the Survey, the Committee surmised that better signage for posted speeds, children playing and school zone reminders would be a better measure.

The Committee is committed with Eastern Commerce School Administration to addressing the lighting on the pathway along the track leading to Phin Park. Respondents identified it as an on-going concern, and the Committee is engaging Administration to address the lighting at night, particularly during the late fall/winter months. This concern also impacts the feeling of general safety in the neighbourhood, with Respondents believing that inadequate lighting leads to larger issues such as delinquent behaviour and illegal activities (drug use, theft, assault).

Respondents indicated that when 55 Division Police were called, they responded within a reasonable time period, but felt that an increase in patrolling around Phin Park, Oakvale Green and Eastern Commerce would help reduce delinquent and illegal activities. The Safety Committee plans to address these concerns with 55 Division and Eastern Commerce School Administration. Any Pocket residents who have concerns related to the above, or other safety issues, should contact the Safety Committee at [email protected].


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