The City of Toronto has approved The Pocket to take part in a pilot project – the StreetARToronto Road Mural program – which permits six communities in Toronto to paint a road mural on a neighbourhood street.
The mural depicted below will be painted on Condor Avenue, north of the intersection of Baird Avenue and Condor Avenue, south of the laneway behind Ravina Crescent. The concept behind the design is to celebrate the history of the area. The film strip signifies the time lapse of our history that is depicted in the images. The area was initially a ravine, transitioning after that to an orchard and farmland. More recently it was a brickyard, before becoming home to the subway tracks. The last strip depicts modern day, highlighting the much loved foxes and our beautiful Phin Avenue Parkette.
We plan to install the mural on north Condor during the neighbourhood party on Saturday, September 24, 2016.
On the day of the mural painting, Victor, the well known Toronto street artist, will take the design and draw it on the road in chalk. The community (including children with parent supervision) will then be allowed to assist in the painting of the mural. Public painting will begin at approximately 12pm, and will continue on until it is finished. So bring the family and come on by….there will be plenty of paintbrushes!
This is going to be a fun and exciting project that we hope you will come and be a part of.
Anyone interested in volunteering to be part of the Road Mural Coordinating Team on the day should email Gemma at [email protected]. Even an hour would be extremely helpful.