In the Pocket, there is a group of volunteer Street Captains who help keep the community informed about events and PCA activities, welcome new people, and connect with neighbours on their route. Each Street Captain is responsible for a street, or part of a street, within the Pocket boundaries. The Street Captain position may involve helping with membership tables at events; delivering flyers, newsletters, and other information to each house a couple of times a year; possibly door-to-door canvassing for PCA memberships in the spring, and maybe other occasional jobs requested by the PCA executive. Street captains also try to keep on eye on their route for people who might need support or help, and deliver prepared welcome bags to new neighbours.
There are always positions to be filled, and any help is welcome and appreciated. If you have some time to offer from time to time throughout the year, would like to meet your neighbours and support the PCA and the community, or if you would like more information, please contact Ellen at [email protected]. Street captains help make the Pocket the caring, inclusive, and supportive neighbourhood we all love. We welcome your involvement.